Using date: '2021/05/13', Days '6' Number of new cases in "Calgary Zone for the last 6 days: 961 2021-05-07 853 2021-05-08 790 2021-05-09 730 2021-05-10 870 2021-05-11 766 2021-05-12 Active: 11584 Number of new cases in "Central Zone for the last 6 days: 248 2021-05-07 147 2021-05-08 140 2021-05-09 166 2021-05-10 209 2021-05-11 150 2021-05-12 Active: 2647 Number of new cases in "Edmonton Zone for the last 6 days: 460 2021-05-07 342 2021-05-08 365 2021-05-09 301 2021-05-10 384 2021-05-11 376 2021-05-12 Active: 5470 Number of new cases in "North Zone for the last 6 days: 303 2021-05-07 189 2021-05-08 206 2021-05-09 230 2021-05-10 295 2021-05-11 271 2021-05-12 Active: 3618 Number of new cases in "South Zone for the last 6 days: 101 2021-05-07 65 2021-05-08 70 2021-05-09 92 2021-05-10 84 2021-05-11 61 2021-05-12 Active: 1255 Number of new cases in "Unknown Zone for the last 6 days: 1 2021-05-03 1 2021-05-04 3 2021-05-05 1 2021-05-09 1 2021-05-11 9 2021-05-12 Active: 12 Number of new cases in Alberta for the last 6 days: 2073 2021-05-07 1596 2021-05-08 1572 2021-05-09 1519 2021-05-10 1843 2021-05-11 1633 2021-05-12 Active: 24586